My Story!⚽️
So this story is based on a true story. I really like to play soccer, maybe not the best player but I'll do anything either to practice or be on a team. When I joined my first team I was in 6th grade, I didnt know much about soccer well actually I didnt know anything about it. My dad really Likes soccer so he wanted me to play like he did. So when I player on that team my coach didnt really like me sometimes I wouldn't even play games or I will only play for 5 min or so. Finally when the season ended. I didnt play again in a team till the end of 7th grade almost 8th grade, instead I practiced with my dad understood more soccer and sometimes went to practice with the older people. After I got in a team again in 8th grade I understood more of soccer knew my positions and everything. I thought I was a good player now. So I worked hard in practice. So then high school came and my dad told me playing for a high school team was like playing professional. So when freshman tryouts came along I tried out but didnt make it so instead I'm currently in a team and hopefully I can make it this to the high school soccer team.
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